We are pleased to announce that registration is now open. The early registration phase is available until June 16th, followed by the late registration phase open until July 12th. Onsite registration will also be available during the Summer School.
Athens, Greece
European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence
The European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (ESSAI) is the premier school on Artificial Intelligence in Europe. It is held every year by the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) together with the Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence (ACAI), and it will be organized jointly with the 4th TAILOR Summer School on Artificial Intelligence.
The local organization of ESSAI & ACAI 2024 is led by the Artificial Intelligence Team of the Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in collaboration with the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society.
ESSAI 2024 will offer many courses covering all areas of Artificial Intelligence and being taught by top experts in the field. Every course will consist of 5 lectures of 90 minutes each spread over one week. The courses will be solicited through an open call for proposals and will be selected by an international program committee. ACAI 2024 will offer invited tutorials (90min each) on a topic to be announced.
ESSAI & ACAI 2024 continue a tradition started by ACAI in 1985. Last year, ESSAI & ACAI took place in Lublijana, Slovenia. It was an immensely successful event which attracted more than 500 students.
Latest news
We are pleased to announce that all ACAI tutorials are now available on the website. For each tutorial, you will find a small abstract to inform you on the content, along with the bio of the speaker. More inforamation on dates comming soon!
We are pleased to announce that all ESSAI courses are now available on the website. For each course, you will find a small abstract to inform you on the content, along with its prerequisites. More inforamation on dates comming soon!