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Athens offers plenty of hotels and apartments for all budgets for the school participants*. For reservations, please refer directly to the web sites of the hotels, or platforms such as booking.com and Airbnb. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to offer accommodation in University housing, which might have been preferred by some participants.

If you plan to come to the school, you might consider booking accommodation near stops of the metro line 3 which will allow you to get to the school venue faster. We suggest the areas close the metro stations of Syntagma, Monastiraki, Evangelismos and Megaro Mousikis, since they are also close to the city center and important sights!

*The school is not working with any company to organize accommodation for lecturers, tutors or students. So if you receive such an e-mail, it is definitely spam and you should not reply to it.


The 2nd European Summer School in Artificial Intelligence
The 21st Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence

Contact Info

Prof. Manolis Koubarakis

Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
University Campus, Ilisia
15784 Athens Greece

+30 210 727 5213

koubarak [at] di.uoa.gr

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