The EurAI Travel Award scheme provides funding for students and early career researchers wishing to attend the ESSAI/ACAI summer school. These awards are intended to partially cover travel and accommodation expenses and registration fees. Applicants who have already been awarded a TAILOR travel grant are not eligible.
The purpose of the Travel Award is to support applicants who have limited or no access to other funding for supporting their travel. Applicants must be members of a EurAI member society. The award can only be used to support your attendance at ESSAI/ACAI. By accepting the award, you are confirming that you have participated in the summer school and that your total expenses (including travel, accommodation and registration fee) equal or exceed the value of the award.
Application process
Applications for the Travel Award should be submitted as a single zip file containing the following documents in PDF format:
- A brief statement from the applicant (up to 500 words) outlining how they have contributed to the field of AI and how they will benefit from attending the event.
- If the applicant is a student, a signed letter from the applicant's supervisor certifying their status (e.g., Ph.D. student) and why the support of EurAI is needed (e.g., there are no such grants available to the student). If the applicant is not a student, a signed letter explaining why the support of EurAI is needed.
- Proof of membership in a EurAI member society.
- A complete CV including a full list of publications.
Applicants for travel grants should send their applications to Prof. Manolis Koubarakis.
Important Dates
- Application Deadline: June 1, 2024
- Notification: June 10, 2024
Selection criteria
In the likely case that the total amount requested exceeds the available budget, applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- The extent to which attendance to the summer school will impact the applicant's research career.
- The career stage of the applicant, where students will be given priority over postdoctoral researchers and faculty.
- The extent to which other funding is available to the applicant.
- The CV of the applicant.
Payment of the award
In the case of a successful application, proof of participation in the event will need to be provided. As a result, the Travel Award will only be paid after ESSAI/ACAI 2024 has taken place.