
Recordings and Presentations


All video recordings are available in this link.

The recordings are organised as follows. The main folders correspond to the rooms used for the summer school. In each folder you will find subfolders for each day of the summer school. Each of these subfolder contains a recording for this room for the full day of the summer school.

In order to find a specific course or tutorial, you will have to check our schedule find the date and room it took place. For example if you want the video for the course “Learning to behave via imitation (A)” for July 23, you need to go in the folder /IBA-Building_20/23-07/… and download the video of this room and day, that contains the recording of the course.

If you want the videos for all lectures of the specific course you will need to download the respective videos for the whole week (i.e., /IBA-Building_20/22-07/, /IBA-Building_20/23-07/, /IBA-Building_20/24-07/, /IBA-Building_20/25-07/, /IBA-Building_20/26-07/).

Keep in mind that each video has the recording for a specific day and room for the full day. So you will need to browse within the video to find the time slot for a specific course or tutorial.


All presentations and material used for the courses and tutorials are available in this link.

You will find one folder for each course and tutorial with their respective names. Each folder contains all the material that the ESSAI lecturers and ACAI tutors provided.


The 2nd European Summer School in Artificial Intelligence
The 21st Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence

Contact Info

Prof. Manolis Koubarakis

Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
University Campus, Ilisia
15784 Athens Greece

+30 210 727 5213

koubarak [at] di.uoa.gr

Social Media