Participants have three registration stages to choose from. The early registration phase is available until June 16th, followed by the late registration phase open until July 12th. Onsite registration will also be available during the Summer School. We recommend taking advantage of the early registration option for a reduced fee. Please note that our registration fee remains a fixed flat rate, applicable for duration of one or two weeks. Even if you plan to participate for fewer than five days, you will still be charged the same fee.
The registration fee includes access to all courses and tutorials, as well as lunch and coffee breaks throughout the duration of the school (for one or two weeks), and admission to the Welcome Reception and social event. Please be aware that accommodation and travel expenses are not included in the registration fee.

EurAI Travel Grants
Thirty travel grants of 450 euros each will be funded by EurAI and offered to selected applicants. Click here to apply.
ETCS Credits
During the school, we will issue a certificate stating all the courses of ESSAI which a participant has attended and their respective hours. If a more detailed certificate is needed for ETCS credit purposes, we will issue that too. In this case, please inform our congress organizers by email regarding your exact requirement.
Mandatory Pre-Registration for TAILOR Students
If you are a TAILOR student who wants to attend the 4th TAILOR summer school, co-organised with
ESSAI & ACAI 2024 summer school, please pre-register using this FORM.
Upon submitting the form, you will receive a unique coupon code that will waive your student
ESSAI & ACAI 2024 registration fee*.
Poster presentation
Students participating in ESSAI2024 are invited to prepare a poster presenting their current research. The posters will be presented during a special session of the school. If you are interested in this, please choose the relevant option when you register. Detailed information about the posters will be sent to you in the first days of July.
*TAILOR students that will be funded need to provide electronic copies of their boarding passes for their travel to the school; this is a requirement of the partner of TAILOR who has been allocated the budget for covering the registrations. Without the boarding passes, the funds for the registration will not be released. Please send your boarding passes to
For registration issues do not hesitate to contact our Professional Congress Secretariat CONVIN S.A.

Varnali 29, 15233 Chalandri, Athens
+30 210 6833600